Today begins the 25 days of service initiative of the LDS church. Anyone can join in and it's free. Let's bring a smile to someone's day every day this month and all year round! I designed a calendar, free for your personal use just for this event. We're going to have our kids write down one small act of service they can do for someone every day this month leading up to Christmas and then ...
Today to open our lesson I asked sisters to tell me what words come to mind when they think of Hurricane Harvey. Some of the responses included: Service, Disaster, Rescue, Wet, Community, and Destruction among others. Several sisters raised their hands when asked if anyone hey know had been directly affected by Harvey. This disaster is in the forefront of many of our minds. My Grandpa ...
From a lesson I taught in Relief Society April 9, 2017 Adam and Eve were given two paradoxical commandments. They could not create children without "having their eyes opened", and they could not have their eyes opened without eating of the fruit. After Eve chose to eat the fruit Adam might have chosen to follow the commandment not to eat of the tree. But he didn’t. He chose his wife. ...
Sunday School Church Photo, Minneapolis, Ottawa, Kansas, taken around 1930
There are some old photo repository's on the internet which I might submit this to eventually but for now I'll add it in a post here and maybe someone who is looking will find it via google. It was taken sometime around 1930 in Minneapolis, Kansas, and the reason I have it is because my husband's grandmother is among those pictured. First Row: Bonnie Dee FORSBURG, Edith GEORGE, ...