was lucky to have such a good relationship with my mom as a kid. Of
course we had our disagreements but overall things were good, are still
good. I never had any reservations about telling her anything. About
asking her anything. She knew how to maintain a proper balance between
being my mother and being my friend. She believed in my abilities and
let me know when I wasn’t living up to my potential. Sometimes I agreed
with her. Sometimes I wished she’d stop expecting so much of me. But I
always knew she was right, that becoming a better person was an active
decision. And that even if I continued to be stubborn and slough off in
my school work or other areas of my life, she would still love me. I
knew she would always be there for me.
remember the night my boyfriend left. I was 18 and he was my first
love, the first boy I had ever kissed. I was certain I would marry him,
but first he needed to serve a 2 year mission for our church.
It wasn’t a requirement, it was his own decision and one I had
encouraged him in. But that didn’t make his leaving any less painful.
we stood out on the lawn that final night in a tight embrace whispering
our 10th good-bye, my mother stood inside the door waiting. A final
tight squeeze as the tears filled my eyes and we separated. He had to
run to his car to avoid being drawn back toward me and I had to run to
the door to avoid the same. He started his cars ignition and waved at me
with tears in his eyes as he drove away. I waved too and then broke
into a sob as I fumbled to open the screen door. I flung it open and
then jammed the weight of my body against the main door to push it open.
As it swung open I saw the shape of my mom standing there, her arms
pulling me to her. I was already sobbing so hard my head hurt. She
guided me down the stairs, helped me crawl into her bed and tucked me
in. Then she lay on the covers beside me and stroked my hair until I
fell asleep. She was completely silent in word but her actions meant
everything. Whether my pain was over dramatic or not, she knew how
keenly I felt it and she didn’t try to stop that. She let me grieve hard
while assuring me with only her presence and I’m forever thankful for
I love you mom. Happy Birthday.
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