5 Tips for Perfect Cookies Every Time

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Please note that this post is for a school assignment. Morsl is not a real company.

At Morsl, we believe that caring is sharing. Though we can't share our super-secret cookie recipe base, we want to share our 5 tips for baking perfect cookies every time. We use these tips for every batch we bake in our ovens and now you can use them at home! 

Image by Pezibear from Pixabay

1. Chill the dough

Even if your recipe doesn't call for it. Chilling the dough reduces the possibility that your cookies will spread too much while baking. After our dough is mixed we chill it for 40 minutes, let it rest on the counter for 10, and then proceed to separate into balls and bake.

Image by LchefGen from Pixabay

2. Don't use butter or cooking spray on the baking sheet

Even if your recipe calls for it. It can create a greasy surface that leads to cookie overspreading. We use silicone baking mats since they promote even browning, but if you don't have any of those parchment paper is also a great option. 

Image by Mark Scanland from Pixabay

3. Don't put cookie dough on a hot baking sheet. 

That can lead to uneven spreading of the cookie dough. We have many baking sheets so we always have a cool surface for each new batch. But if you only have one be sure to let the sheet cool completely before putting the next batch of dough on it. 

Image by Ponce Photography from Pixabay

4. Only bake one batch at a time.

The temptation to bake your cookies up faster is real but don't give in! Just because you can fit two sheets in your oven doesn't mean you should. Having only one sheet in the center of the oven allows your cookies to be perfectly spaced between heating elements and provides proper airflow. Messing with that can result in unevenly baked cookies. Also, if you find your oven has hot spots (they usually do) it's best to rotate your sheet halfway through baking for the most evenly browned cookies.

Image by Shvets Production from Pexels

5. Cool cookies on the baking sheet.

Cookies will continue to bake a bit after being pulled from the oven. They also need time to set up. Have you ever tried to scrape a cookie off a sheet right after it comes out of the oven? That usually results in a crumbly mess. Once out of the oven, we give our cookies 5 minutes on the baking sheet before transferring to a cooling rack. Then we let them cool completely before we move them again.

Image by Lucas Guizo from Pexels

Baking cookies at home gets even better when they bake up perfectly every time. Our list is certainly not exhaustive but we hope these tips will help you become a more confident baker. When it comes to the art of baking you can never have too much help!

Image by Leonardo Luz from Pexels

1 comment:

  1. I loved all the cool and useful tips! And the pictures are amazing too!
